Zaiba Jabbar has made music videos for the likes of Theoretical Girl and her buddies Joe and Will Ask? and some fashion films. You know those weird clips nobody has really worked out yet. Though Zaiba’s made some of the best fashion films and has been profiled in the New York Times, for her film for David David and being one of only two winners of ASVOFF and Vogue Italia’s Light Series prize, probably because waving a camera around in slow motion isn’t really her thing. For Nike Running Zaiba filmed her old pals Joe and Will running around Canary Wharf and Hackney, where they live at night, capturing the speed, fierce concentration and sheer effort that goes into the challenge known as running. Joe and Will might be bandmates, but for the duration of their runs both want, need even, to win.
Vice: What made you want to make a film about running?
Zaiba: Running encapsulates the core of my ideas about film and being a filmmaker. I’m always trying to capture movement, energy and the passing of time on film.
Why did you want to work with Joe and Will Ask? the DJ and production team?
I've worked with Joe and Will a few times. My first professional directing job involved making a video for their single "Warm it Up". I also quite liked watching them run around different parts of London and making them sweat. And their music has an urgency that makes it great for running as well as dancing too.
Do you run much?
Not as much as I dance. In my jungle days I was always the girl doing the running man in my Air Max 90s, does that count? Heels weren't really appropriate and the Air Max were also way less embarrassing when you’re getting the bus home in the morning.
Where in the film did you really think you caught the spirit of the running?
I really love the shot of Will just running on the spot, against the white background. For me, that visually communicates the idea that running can be such an internal thing and a time to clear the head and enable you to think straight, to see your goals. Running sort of develops the strength to focus too.
Growing up did you see much running on the streets of Leyton?
Not really. I tried not to be out on the streets of Leyton too much. A lot of my friends run now and I think they’re motivated and determined people, it's a great way to stay fit and it doesn’t cost anything either.
If you're in Soho this evening, stand aside if you spot the VICE team in our shiny Nike LunarGlide 2 trainers and new Nike Running kits on a 5k run, in honour of the launch of a new Nike Running store in Covent Garden.
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